My friends call me Seth.
I'm an aspiring software developer based in Los Angeles.
I've played rocknroll, lived abroad in France, and recently have had an adventerous career in technology and customer experience.
Recently I've been pursuing my passion to create impactful web experiences.
You can view my retro resume for the details, or shoot me an email if you'd like.
Fullstack Dev Bootcamp
(August - October 2024)
Emerging Business Sales
(March 2023 - July 2024)
Automating sales tax compliance with API and direct ERP integrations.
Platform Partnerships
(May 2022 - Jan 2023)
Developing and executiving engagment strategies for platform payment APIs.
A 1980s computing inspired advice portal.
Piet Mondrian's Composition No III, coded with divs & grid.
A mockup of Tindog: a matching app for furry canines.
Running. Completed the Long Beach Half Marathon in May.
Travel. Europe, South Africa, & playing the Lord of the Rings theme throughout New Zealand on my tin whistle (true story).
Reading. Always picking up a page off the. (I've been really into philosphy and fiction recently.)
Dog Dad. Fostering then failing an adorable Morkie.
made with simple html, css, & vscode.